Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alien Apocalypse

We watched Alien Apocalypse last night.

Alien Apocalypse was good. Well, I say "good"; I mean it was a B movie about aliens, which was pretty much what we wanted. There were ridiculous plot points and hilariously-shaped aliens, and two of my least-favorite actors (in the movie) died within 20 minutes of the opening credits. For his part, Bruce Campbell runs around snapping people's spines into alignment (when not stabbing alien overlords) and wearing an astronaut's outfit that seems to have been inspired by a gi. All in all, not a bad way to spend the evening.

On the other hand, there was something a little "off" that kept Alien Apocalypse from being a "great" B movie, and I just figured out what it is when I did a Google search:

Alien Apocalypse is a Sci-Fi channel original movie

Ah yes. I've been saying for ages now that the phrase "SciFi Original Presents" before a movie is like the kiss of death. For a good example, see the IMDB page for Mansquito. [Yep, that title is pronounced exactly the way you think it is.] Actually, I'm apparently not the only one who has noticed this, because there are rules out there for a SciFi Original Movie drinking game.

If you have cable -- we don't, and I kind of miss the SciFi and Cartoon Network channels -- have one on me. Or, more likely, have about 15.

I think the next movie on our Encore list is American Zombie, which looks promising.

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