Generally I can find a good book or two for the kinder class at work cheap at Half Price. Last week, however, I really hit the jackpot -- all the textbooks for my Latin class (college) for under $40, plus I found three Fisher Price Learning Fun books in the $1 bin. I actually grabbed Preschool I & II and a Kindergarten-level one, and I want to start working them in next week. They're bilingual, which is great -- last year I tried adding in some Spanish vocabulary at the end of lessons, but a 45-minute class time is not enough to do that on top of everything else. Instead, I'm going to try using numbers and some words every now and then with the lesson. Living in Texas, I think all the kids should know at least a little of the language, and it seems like some of them are already learning it at school.
I'm also doing the teen homework time pretty much every day now, which means finding worksheets for them, too. My boss gave me some Language Arts, Analogies, and Math Practice books, which seem to be working well so far. I'm considering throwing in some checkbook sheets, although I don't know if they'll actually need to know how to write checks (I'm biased; I write checks for everything.
In non-work-related news, I went to the mall the other day (not a big deal unless you realize I hadn't been to one in ages). I got new shoes (black, to make a change from the three pairs of Converse I own) and my brother's birthday present. I'm not going to post it here until after his party, but I do think it's really cool. No props to the sales clerk and the manager of the Discovery Channel Store who, despite being surrounded by gizmos and gadgets of every shape and size (I want one of these!), couldn't come up with a good recommendation for a 16-year-old boy.
Sarah and I spent yesterday catching up on "Season 1" of Doctor Who -- I didn't start watching regularly until David Tennant showed up, and I realized that we missed a lot. As much as I enjoy watching Tennant, Season 1 has some really good episodes; for example, the Charles Dickens Episode was a lot of fun for me.
Assuming Vulcan has the next dvd, I can finish watching the season today, before school/work start again.
ETA: Didn't go to Vulcan OR grocery shopping today. My grandmother called to forbid me from going out in this weather (hehe), and then when I did go check on the car later it had ice all over it, and the lock was frozen shut. With his phone inside. The up side is that school's probably going to be cancelled tomorrow for me.
Also, I have to call my grandfather/dad and thank them for teaching me how to open deadbolts with credit cards (they both claim credit). Sarah locked herself out in the cold today and I totally got her back in in under a minute with my CVS card.
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